
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

ya, another great person gone forever.
He was a great drummer from Avenged Sevenfold (a7x)
one of my inspiration in music especially drumming.
Past away today at the age of 28.
Rest in peace man.

Avenged Sevenfold - a little piece of heaven

what we could have been, 3:56 AM.
Monday, December 28, 2009

Love the song, lyric and the video. Liyana fizi, cute. x)

I will keep you waiting, Until you say something
Baby don't be hating, I'm just doing my thing
No no no no, Can you fill me in

Can I get your number; I will be your shelter
Through the rain and thunder, break your heart I'll never
Love, I'll promise you forever

Maybe we can take it slow
I can show you what you've been waiting for
Maybe we can take it slow
Just let me show you what's you've been waiting for

Sinking in each other,we will be together
Lacing up my finger, saving all my kisses for you
You're all that I need and you've got me thinking, if

what we could have been, 3:56 AM.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I called her 'bubu' and she called me 'luvluv'.
The one yang sangat la noty and manje to me.
Like to see her angry face with her muncung.
Because it makes me bertambah geram kat dia.
Suka menyakat dia ni.
Masa dulu-dulu tak manje sangat.
Now after dimanje kan, tersangat la manje.
Sikit-sikit nak cry.
The only girl yang suka gedik-gedik to me.
My strawberry cupcake.
Bila arguing mesti end up with happy ending like a fairy tale.
She love me, and i love her too.
Baru je jumpa dah miss each other.
Walaupun baru 5 minit.
this girl is...nisa !!

what we could have been, 9:46 AM.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Epic and powerful song from 30 Seconds To Mars, and great video too..

Kings & Queens

Into the night
Desperate and broken
The sound of a fight
Father has spoken

We were the kings and queens of promise
We were the victims of ourselves
Maybe the children of a lesser God
Between Heaven and Hell
Heaven and Hell

Into your eyes
Hopeless and taken
We stole our new lives
Through blood and pain
In defense of our dreams
In defense of our dreams

We were the Kings and Queens of promise
We were the victims of ourselves
Maybe the Children of a lesser God
Between Heaven and Hell
Heaven and Hell

The age of man is over
A darkness comes at dawn
These lessons that we learned here
Have only just begun

We were the Kings and Queens of promise
We were the victims of ourselves
Maybe the Children of a Lesser God
Between Heaven and Hell

We are the Kings
We are the Queens
We are the Kings
We are the Queens

what we could have been, 6:46 AM.
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Perform di Rantai Art semalam berakhir dengan sukses nya walaupun ada bebarapa problem yang berlaku, hehe.. Bertolak around 5 pm selepas hujan reda, then bila masuk ibu kota, stuck pulak dalam traffic jam (maybe because of banyak jalan tutup).

Bila dah cari parking semua, kami berjalan ke Red Bunglow tengok booth jual-jual goodies. And ya, hujan renyai pun turun..huhu, wut a day. Then lepak makan minum kat Pelita. Selepas semua selesai, kami jumpa dengan organizer dan tengok equipment yang diorang sediakan. Tapi malangnya hanya ada satu plug je kat situ. Hmm, berjalan la pulak kitorg ke klcc cari extension plug. Fuhh !! berpeluh ketiak..ngehehe..

Lepas tu, kitorg terus pergi kat kereta amik equipment semua sebab malas nak naik turun. Gitar dan bass semua di'tune' dengan cemerlang. Tengok jam, ada lebih kurang 5 minit sebelum kitorg beraksi menghiburkan yang hadir pada malam tu.

Everything dah ready, tinggal nak perform je. Kitorg pun berjalan masuk ke Red Bunglow. Tiba-tiba.. perut The-him wat hal pulak..hahaha... ni dah kali kedua perut dia wat hal bila perform kat Red Bunglow tu. Sementara dia dalam toilet, aku dan yang lain masuk la dulu setup barang semua.

Masa setup nak cucuk plug amp untuk bass si Duo, boleh pulak ada elektrik kat string bass dia. Mula-mula tu ingat dia main-main, then The-him tryla sentuh string dia guna jari. Wahh, memang ada elektrik. Then terbalik kat pulak plug (dah la pakai europe punya kepala plug..huhu) dan try lagi sekali. Aku pulak yang rasa ada elektrik ke takde. Elok je sentuh, melekat tangan aku kat bass dia. Kebas la kejap..adeh..Terbalik kan lagi sekali plug tu, elok je on button, blackout satu Red Bunglow tu..hahaha..Time tu la flash dari bermacam-macam kamera keluar. Then bila dah ok, kitorg decide main without bass. Kesian si Duo.

Kitorg terharu masa tgh main, crowds ikut 'sing-a-long' sama-sama. Wow !! Ramai jugak yang tahu lagu kitorg. Good job !! Around 10pm show tu habis kalau tak silap sebab kitorg last band yang main malam tu. Then, lepas sesi bergambar semua kitorg bertolak balik ke shah alam singgah minum kat sana.

Finally, lepas hantar diorg balik, aku pun sampai rumah pukul 3am ++.. Letih gila badan ni, tak sempat nak mandi, terus landing kat katil yang dah lama menunggu bersama bantal yang empuk..nyum nyum..Tido lah aku dengan lenanya.

what we could have been, 8:48 AM.

lagu ni ditulis pada 12 dec 09 yang lepas..hehe x)
and this song is for you beby, masa you takde hari tu..

aku rindu, menunggu dirimu,
terasa hati kosong tanpa mu,
diriku di sini, hanya ditemani,
kicauan burung-burung yang happy..

angin bertiup lalu, menyapa tubuhku
tak pernah ku rasa begitu..
perasaan yang datang, menyakitkan aku
diibaratkan daun yang jatuh ke bumi..
jiwa menjadi beban,
aku bosan

cahaya bulan, hadir bersamaku,
walaupun jauh, kau tetap dihatiku..
huuu ~

what we could have been, 8:03 AM.
Monday, December 14, 2009

This pic was taken on 12.01.07.. that was long time ago..i am not sure why, but, she's prettier day by day..x)


what we could have been, 8:26 AM.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

hey peeps, welcome to the new world..
today, i wanna talk about everything yang ada dalam kepala ni..hehe..just nak share something..


Hidup bukan sesuatu benda yang senang, or just petik jari, *blink* muncul depan mata..
just teringat kesenangan masa dulu-dulu, masa kecik-kecik, cakap je nak apa mesti dapat. Tak kira cepat atau lambat. Heheh !! Now, kena figure it out sendiri, and parents hanyalah tempat kita berbincang. Everything yang kita buat, mesti kena tanya ngan diorang jugak. Or maybe, restu dari diorang. Kadang-kadang kita kat atas, dan kadang-kadang kat bawah.


To me, it is macam kita tanam pokok bunga. First, kita tanam benih. Lepas tu kita siram dia, naik la tangkai melihat awan. Lepas tangkai, barulah keluar daun-daun nya. Last sekali, keluarlah bunga. So partner kita ni macam bunga yang baru tumbuh tadi, dan proses pertumbuhan tu sama la macam kita nak mengorat partner kita tu kan. Bila dah keluar sekuntum bunga, si tuan punyalah sayang, jaga elok-elok, belai, buat la ape saje kat bunga tu supaya tak mati. Then bila masa berlalu, makin banyak bunga yang keluar. si tuan pun dah kurang perhatian kat bunga yang mula-mula tadi. Lama-lama, matilah bunga yang pertama tadi.


Bila ade penipu, wujudlah perkataan menipu. So menipu dengan manusia memang la sinonim. And this thing tak boleh dipisahkan. Semua orang pernah menipukan. Orang akan menipu biasanya untuk kepentingan diri sendiri. Contohnya macam nak selamatkan diri sendiri dari sesuatu masalah. Rasa senangnya sekejap je, lambat laun orang tau jugak, bila orang dah tau, siaplah..heheh !!. Orang-orang dulu ada cakap "Mula-mula menipu, lepas tu mencuri". Dan tak semestinya mencuri Ringgit Malaysia, tetapi hak orang lain, kebebasan dan macam-macam lagi.

what we could have been, 4:23 AM.
Saturday, December 5, 2009

chip chip hooray !!
my beby girl dah balik, can't wait to meet you, honey..
banyak cerita i wanna share with you..heee..

what we could have been, 7:23 AM.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009


p/s : i know u'll understand it walaupun grammar dia agak kelakar.

what we could have been, 7:10 AM.

Hazlie Haizan

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